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StorageCraft Virtual Systems
Choose a disaster recovery solution that works in your hybrid or virtual IT environment.

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Arcserve + StorageCraft - A combined product portfolio that protects and manages workloads in all environments

Whether a system is virtual or physical shouldn’t matter to your backup and disaster recovery solution. You should be able to use a single solution for both. With the StorageCraft Recovery Solution you can protect all your systems with the same reliable recovery solution.

Back up your virtual machines (VMs), and save backups to any disk device. Restore (or migrate) them to other hypervisors or to physical environments. Manage and replicate your VM backup images just as you would physical machine backups.

Per-VM Backup
Per-VM Backup

Back up each VM just as you would any other system rather than relying on the hypervisor to do it for you. Hypervisor-based backups are not always reliable in capturing a steady state of each running VM. Worse, they put a third party in charge of your backups—not you.

Per-VM Recovery and Migration
Per-VM Recovery and Migration

Restore a VM just as you would any other system. With the StorageCraft Recovery Solution you can choose to restore only the affected VM rather than restoring entire VM clusters or the entire hypervisor. And you can easily migrate individual VMs to different hypervisors.

Broad Hypervisor Support
Broad Hypervisor Support

Use our solution with VMware ESX/ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, and multiple other hypervisors. Learn More

Hypervisor Integration
Hypervisor Integration

Monitor and manage backups directly from VMware vCenter or Virtual Machine Manager within Microsoft System Center, including the ability to push install agents to unprotected VMs. Learn More

Policy-based Administration
Multiple Licensing Options

Choose the licensing you need based on your business or environment: subscription or perpetual, per system or per socket. Learn More