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StorageCraft Backup
Every disaster recovery success story begins with a solid backup

Arcserve has acquired Storagecraft. Please visit our Arcserve site for the latest Arcserve's products

Arcserve + StorageCraft - A combined product portfolio that protects and manages workloads in all environments

Reliable backups are the foundation of your disaster recovery plan. After all, if your backups don't work, there's nothing to recover. You can count on having reliable backup images you can restore in minutes when you use the StorageCraft Recovery Solution.

Cross-Platform System Protection
Cross-Platform System Protection

Protect your Windows and Linux systems, whether physical or virtual, with one solution. Learn More

Fast Backups
Fast Backups

Eliminate the backup window—our solution makes backing up a swift process that doesn’t interrupt systems or employees. Learn More

Fast Recovery
Fast Recovery

Make recovery fast, easy, and dependable because backups include everything: the operating system, applications, data volumes, and more. Learn More

Simple Management
Simple Management

Enjoy simplified backup management from a single console, whether you oversee a few machines or hundreds. Learn More