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StorageCraft Recovery Solution
This is where uptime comes from.

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StorageCraft Recovery Solution

When systems go down, it's recover or die.

The StorageCraft Recovery Solution gives you tools to back up your systems, applications, and data, replicate them locally or in the cloud, and restore everything from a single file to complete systems throughout your network. Physical or virtual, Linux or Windows, you won't find a faster, more reliable way to recover. Explore this page to discover what the StorageCraft Recovery Solution can do for you.


Reliable backup is the foundation of a disaster recovery plan.
Our backups don’t bog systems down or interrupt people’s work. They include everything you need for a fast, complete recovery: the operating system, applications, services, configuration settings, and data volumes.


Management should be stress-free, whether you’re accountable for a dozen backup jobs or hundreds.
Our tools enable you to perform push installations, configure multiple backup jobs at once, manage storage resources, verify backups work properly, and receive alerts. Additionally, you can discover systems in need of protection and monitor all protected systems from a single dashboard.


Ensure your organization’s disaster resistance.
Our technology lets you replicate your backup images to the StorageCraft Cloud or a remote location of your choice. That way, you can access your backups even if your local versions get destroyed in a disaster.


Immediate recovery following a disaster is the whole point.
We provide an arsenal of recovery options that work together to keep business running. Recover documents, restore systems and data—even fail over a network.


Physical servers, desktops, and laptops still need support.
Even with the growing dominance of virtualization, there's still physical hardware to protect. Our solution not only backs up physical systems, it also lets you restore those systems wherever you like—to the same or different hardware or to a virtual environment.


Virtualization gives you amazing flexibility.
So should your backup and recovery solution. The StorageCraft Recovery Solution gives you the same reliable protection for both virtual and physical environments. Spin up a virtual machine in minutes to new hypervisors or to new physical hosts.


With the right cloud, a business can survive anything.
Store copies of your backup images in our cloud, and quickly get critical operations running again after any site-wide disaster. Restore a single file or an entire network in minutes.